Category: Uncategorized

Adverse Childhood Experiences

The CDC-Kaiser ACE Study The CDC-Kaiser Permanente Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study is one of the largest investigations of childhood abuse and ne- glect and household challenges and later-life health and well-being. The original ACE Study was conducted at Kaiser Permanente from 1995 to 1997 with two waves of data collection. Over 17,000 Health Mainte-…
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Why Should We Care About Domestic Violence?

Two popular myths about domestic violence are that it happens to a certain ‘kind of woman’ and that it happens because of ‘marital problems’. The facts are quite contrary. Domestic violence is not about some woman somewhere getting beaten by an angry, out-of-control man. It is about power and control. It is a process of…
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Bravery is the solution to regret

The Story of Nanda. This is a story of a refugee family who had moved to Rochester 7 years ago. Nanda, has no relatives in USA, does not speak English well, and was working in minimal wage job to support her 3 children (ages 17, 12, 2) and her husband. She had been humiliated, insulted, physically beaten many…
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Models for Community Mobilization Prevention Initiatives

The Community Engagement Initiative: Raise awareness of family violence and establish that it is unacceptable by using local media, participating in community events or speaking at local colleges. Develop network of leaders within the community. Connect community residents to services and outreach programs Make services and institutions accountable to community needs. Change social and community…
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Community Accountability in Domestic Violence

Across the board, irrespective of Religion, Race, Color, Age, Ethnicity, Country and social strata, one out of three women will experience domestic violence during their life time. The only thing that will stop Violence against women is when our communities no longer tolerate it. Mobilizing communities to prevent Domestic Violence would need to engage communities…
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A Handcuff Called ‘Love’

A Handcuff Called Love Showing love and care for another human being in gentle and enduring ways is tough business. Since love is a feeling, an emotion, a commitment with no manual, it can become a gift or a punishment. Love is complex with invisible, and sometimes unfathomable, motives. Behind love is hidden a whole…
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Healthy v/s Unhealthy Relationships

Healthy Relationships Healthy relationship between two partners stems from love and mutual respect for each other. One needs to show mutual respect. Value each other’s opinions. Trust each other. Support each other’s rights and goals. Need to be honest and admit if wrong. Seek solutions to conflict those are mutually satisfactory. Willingness to compromise. Have…
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Survivor I am a Survivor and have rebuilt my life and can attest to the fact that there is a better life to look forward to. I address this to all those of you who have helped me or other survivors like me. If you are in any capacity to help a victim of domestic…
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Helping Children Build Healthy Relationships

Helping today’s children build healthy relationships in their adult life As parents or guardians we need to sow the seeds of healthy relationships in our kids from their childhood, because studies have shown that aspects of domestic violence can appear long be- fore they get into a relationship. We can raise sons who are strong,…
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