Healthy v/s Unhealthy Relationships

Healthy Relationships

Healthy relationship between two partners stems from love and mutual respect for each other. One needs to show mutual respect.

  • Value each other’s opinions.
  • Trust each other.
  • Support each other’s rights and goals.
  • Need to be honest and admit if wrong.
  • Seek solutions to conflict those are mutually satisfactory.
  • Willingness to compromise.
  • Have open communication.
  • Be responsible parents and share parental responsibilities.
  • Make family and financial decisions together.
  • Make sure both are benefited from financial arrangements.
  • Feel safe and comfortable with each other.
  • Able to express freely with each other.

Unhealthy Relationships

In contrast these behaviors or attitudes foster an unhealthy relationships.

  • Making threatening actions and gestures, destroying property, abuse pets and displaying weapons.
  • Making and/or carrying out threats to hurt the woman; threatening to leave her, commit suicide, or report her to welfare authorities; make her do illegal acts.
  • Putting a woman down and making her feel badly about herself, humiliate her, making her feel guilty.
  • Controlling what a woman does, who she sees and talks to, what she reads, and where she goes; limiting her outside involvement.
  • Using children to relay messages; threatening to take children away.
  • Treating a woman like a servant and making all the major decisions.
  • Preventing her from getting or keeping a job, making her ask for money; taking her money; or giving her an allowance.
  • Making light of the abuse, deny abuse, and blaming the woman herself for the abuse.